A Fire and Pluto


1 —  One two three
It was winter  suffering from frost bite
It was alone  and together at night
No fogs  no lights  perfectly alright
You almost fell in the river
Lucky actually it was really a gutter
Your father did not understand you
And mother was an adsent voice
She was your mother and nothing else
You laughed loud , gentle,  but loud , but soft — I always thought why without saying and you saw it on my face
There on the road ,down on your back , legs and wide wide open , eyes closed – you laughed
And I stood there watching and smiling
Cars white , black and red passed us by , flashing rays of gold right on the side
I was out of words and so were you
The basketball field was wet and slippery
And parks empty so its best that I not mention your secrets
The  world  was  falling  apart
We  were kids  shooting  for the long shot
Dangling  on  failure
Waiting for time  on that swing  your neighbors through  out
That  you mounted on your roof
Then The Wind Blew hard in the market side
Shaking the bulds
And I was afraid  A Fire would break loose …… a fire did break loose


2 — On a air plane
To another planet
Really really far away
Further than pluto
Is a package
Covered in dry dusty news papers
Its below the hard luggage
And is crushed beneath all of it actually
In in tha package
Are all of our pictures
Like from the waterfall
Under the rainbow
At the train station
At the mosque
Near the woods
At the weddings
At the old school
The one they tore down to build a university over
I did not need them any longer
So without telling a single soul
I hand picked the ones I loved the most
Put them in slowly one by one
Pulled the sheets over
And gave to a pilot that knew the way
And I watched him drive away into the distance
A few tears here and there
And by now all of us
Is nearing  pluto
Controversial pluto
Dissappearing and reappearing pluto

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