Surviving Compton : I know why the caged bird sings  ( Review) 

On the 15th of October , Lifetime television,  broadcasted a new biopic about Rnb diva , and soul singer Michel’le. 

Michel’le rose to fame in the early 90s and was instant hit on the radio at the young age of sixteen. She was and still is a puzzle to many due the difference between her high pitched speaking and her deep and dramatic singing voice . Her talent was discovered early in her life and it brought her into a new movement of sound, which would shake the history of music, and bring her into contact with the men  who started it and abused her. 

Before going into review about ‘Surviving Compton’ , lets talk about ‘Straight Outta Compton’ . The  latter movie was released ealier in 2015, and showcasd the struggle that artists like  Ice Tea, Easy E and Dr Dre had to deal with. It was a box office hit and was a very good film overall.

But one complaint that many people had was that none of the N.W.A female artists were in the film . One of them was Michel’le, and she was their first female artist. And she was a big part of the whole movement to , which makes it strange that she wasn’t in ‘Straight Outta Compton’ . But it was that very absence of representation that lead to the inception of ‘Surviving Compton’. 

And so far after a week of its release, the public is calling it the best biopic Lifetime ever put out. 

It is an emotional journey for the protagonist, Michel’le who starts of by telling the audience about her childhood and what society was like then. 

Then it goes on to show us how she was discovered and her relationship first with Dr Dre, the N.W.A and Suge.The domestic violence and abuse she suffered and her growth and strength as a woman who lived through all of it. 

This may have been about Michel’le and her career but it easily and perfectly depicts how many young artists are used by the industry. It shows the difference between what the tv shows,music videos and interviews show us and the disaster behind the scenes. Michel’le was basically being beat around and barely two people ever stood up for her. 

There is a long list of artists who had the simple dream of singing and doing what they love but ended up feeling like nothing was in their control and having had to lie to protect that illusion. 

The movie has a good pace , and there is a nice balance between dramatically charged scenes  and sweet scenes. And there are plenty of high end dramatic moments which show the dark side of fame. Not to forget gang violence which was prevalent at the time. 

The nature of the relationship between Michel’le,Dr Dre and Suge also mirrors perfectly how domestic violence is for many victims. It starts of with a sense of belonging and protection, but it suddenly turns into domination and abuse. It also goes into the psychology of such relationships, since many people wonder why women stay in them for so long. They see being beat up as a sign of love and somehow justify the beatings , until they reach rock bottom and see the truth themselves.  
At most points in the film  you just feel sorry for her and wonder when are things going to get better. 

Michel’le  basically goes from the fire and into the frying pan and I doubt people are going to be looking to buy beats by Dre anymore. 
I think one the best things about the film is it’s honesty and actually involving the person it is about. Lifetime has basically not been very respectable with the legacy of some artists, especially with that Aliyah:Princess of Pop biopic.And also with the Withney Houston biopic for which they could not get permission to use her songs, also the family wasn’t happy with the outcome. But ‘Surviving Compton ‘ is an excellent film , because Michel’le herself is there and the actress that plays her is amazing and like Michel’le is black. And the story is wholesome it shows her career , life ,struggle, rise,fall and redemption and  features her music and voice.
Maybe Hollywood should take notice and of this and not whitewash or blackface every woman of colour they find. 

If there are any flaws with the film , it may be that this version of events was not as funded or visually aesthetic as ‘Straight Outta Compton’ or as politically charged , but it is emotionally compelling and entertaining. 

We don’t get to dwell that into the lives of the artists of the movement but we see many including Tupac who was a good friend of Michel’le.  

Lastly what was very interesting was how the real Michel’le is there narrating the story and popping up from time to time ,breaking the fourth wall . It’s something relatively new to see and it not sit well with many viewers – but the narrations do seem a little forced and heavily scritpted with one liners. But these little set backs don’t take much from the film.
My favorite scene was in the very beginning when Michel’le sings in the studio and stuns everyone with her voice.
And a little speech by Michel’le about how,  


” women been singing their pain for as long as theres been music. Womens voices let the world know exactly what hurt them and why, but in rap the women stop singing . And without the voices to echo their  truths women were just bitches to be slapped or just whores to be passed around.  

Rap was about rage not beauty.  Rap hated most women because it had to hurt somebody and it did ” 

Surviving Compton : I know why the caged bird sings  ( Review) 

On the 15th of October , Lifetime television,  broadcasted a new biopic about Rnb diva , and soul singer Michel’le. 

Michel’le rose to fame in the early 90s and was instant hit on the radio at the young age of sixteen. She was and still is a puzzle to many due the difference between her high pitched speaking and her deep and dramatic singing voice . Her talent was discovered early in her life and it brought her into a new movement of sound, which would shake the history of music, and bring her into contact with the men  who started it and abused her. 

Before going into review about ‘Surviving Compton’ , lets talk about ‘Straight Outta Compton’ . The  latter movie was released ealier in 2015, and showcasd the struggle that artists like  Ice Tea, Easy E and Dr Dre had to deal with. It was a box office hit and was a very good film overall.

But one complaint that many people had was that none of the N.W.A female artists were in the film . One of them was Michel’le, and she was their first female artist. And she was a big part of the whole movement to , which makes it strange that she wasn’t in ‘Straight Outta Compton’ . But it was that very absence of representation that lead to the inception of ‘Surviving Compton’. 

And so far after a week of its release, the public is calling it the best biopic Lifetime ever put out. 

It is an emotional journey for the protagonist, Michel’le who starts of by telling the audience about her childhood and what society was like then. 

Then it goes on to show us how she was discovered and her relationship first with Dr Dre, the N.W.A and Suge.The domestic violence and abuse she suffered and her growth and strength as a woman who lived through all of it. 

This may have been about Michel’le and her career but it easily and perfectly depicts how many young artists are used by the industry. It shows the difference between what the tv shows,music videos and interviews show us and the disaster behind the scenes. Michel’le was basically being beat around and barely two people ever stood up for her. 

There is a long list of artists who had the simple dream of singing and doing what they love but ended up feeling like nothing was in their control and having had to lie to protect that illusion. 

The movie has a good pace , and there is a nice balance between dramatically charged scenes  and sweet scenes. And there are plenty of high end dramatic moments which show the dark side of fame. Not to forget gang violence which was prevalent at the time. 

The nature of the relationship between Michel’le,Dr Dre and Suge also mirrors perfectly how domestic violence is for many victims. It starts of with a sense of belonging and protection, but it suddenly turns into domination and abuse. It also goes into the psychology of such relationships, since many people wonder why women stay in them for so long. They see being beat up as a sign of love and somehow justify the beatings , until they reach rock bottom and see the truth themselves.  
At most points in the film  you just feel sorry for her and wonder when are things going to get better. 

Michel’le  basically goes from the fire and into the frying pan and I doubt people are going to be looking to buy beats by Dre anymore. 
I think one the best things about the film is it’s honesty and actually involving the person it is about. Lifetime has basically not been very respectable with the legacy of some artists, especially with that Aliyah:Princess of Pop biopic.And also with the Withney Houston biopic for which they could not get permission to use her songs, also the family wasn’t happy with the outcome. But ‘Surviving Compton ‘ is an excellent film , because Michel’le herself is there and the actress that plays her is amazing and like Michel’le is black. And the story is wholesome it shows her career , life ,struggle, rise,fall and redemption and  features her music and voice.
Maybe Hollywood should take notice and of this and not whitewash or blackface every woman of colour they find. 

If there are any flaws with the film , it may be that this version of events was not as funded or visually aesthetic as ‘Straight Outta Compton’ or as politically charged , but it is emotionally compelling and entertaining. 

We don’t get to dwell that into the lives of the artists of the movement but we see many including Tupac who was a good friend of Michel’le.  

Lastly what was very interesting was how the real Michel’le is there narrating the story and popping up from time to time ,breaking the fourth wall . It’s something relatively new to see and it not sit well with many viewers – but the narrations do seem a little forced and heavily scritpted with one liners. But these little set backs don’t take much from the film.
My favorite scene was in the very beginning when Michel’le sings in the studio and stuns everyone with her voice.
And a little speech by Michel’le about how,  


” women been singing their pain for as long as theres been music. Womens voices let the world know exactly what hurt them and why, but in rap the women stop singing . And without the voices to echo their  truths women were just bitches to be slapped or just whores to be passed around.  

Rap was about rage not beauty.  Rap hated most women because it had to hurt somebody and it did ” 

Freedom: Independence from around the World

This is just a simple little article that I wote back in August but it did not get published where I wanted it to be, so I am posting it here now. I wrote this to just give a basic outline of how these countries got freedom, which is a long sturggle and involves a lot of sacrafice and dedication , so I could not write in great detail over here.I also was not able to include other countries who fought for their independance , but I respect them just as much and respect them. And if I wrote something that could cause misinformation or is incorrect , please do tell me .

Also if you are a history student do not only consult this article for your exams , you will have to study much more and in greater details to get a good grade and actually learn and appreciate the history of these countries.






On the 14th of August Pakistani comes to the streets, parks, shops, and celebrate to show their patriotism and love for the country, on its day of official Independence.After years and years of strggle .

We see our green flags,acknowledge the sacrifices our ancestors and soldiers made and listen the songs of courage and love that have raised us, and become a part of who we are .

In a world where we understand the importance of freedom and respect all life, it is strange to look at the world of past days when countries were under corrupt and unjust rule.Where citizens had no say in the government and very little safety for their lives, being unable to call their country their own.

We know our story. We have heard it all our lives, it is never to be forgotten.But what of the struggle of other nations, who like us had to stand up against tyrants and cruelty to save themselves.

Why not look at some examples of Freedom from around the World on Pakistan’s special day .



The United States of America

A country, once colonial settlement, known for crying freedom. This tale takes place from between 1775 to 1783, it involves the American settlers, the British and French .

It started of with the settlers refusing to buy tax stamps, and wanting less British control over their lives. Events took a drastic turn after the Boston Massacre , and the 13 colonial states were pushed into frequent battles against the British .

But eventually when the fight came to Yorktown, the Americans and French were able to defeat the British and German forces.  Many of Americas great heroes played an active role during this period like George Washington,Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin, all men who stood up for what they believed in and knew in their hearts that all men are equal and deserve freedom.




The Chinese people had a long battle to fight for their rights and freedoms after they  were initially colonized by the British. course there was a constant struggle within the country and China had in many ways give up some old views to up catch with the world, but the major struggle took place after world war two.

It was the Chinese Communist Party ,led by future Chinese leader,Mao Ze Dong,and the Nationalist Party ,which was being supported by the American government. But the Communist party proved to be more popular with the public,due to their hard work and dedication towards the people. The Nationalist party on the other hand had a history of corruption like other regimes in the area which the American government was supporting during those years.

China gained its Independence as the Republic of China in 1949 , and it wasn’t until the 70’s the western world fully accepted them.

Look at where they are now.


South Africa

This is a land which has seen years upon years of injustice and its people have suffered terribly as slaves and as activists trying to take back what was theirs. It has been invaded since the early 1600s, and it was not until 1994 that change and grace met the Africans of South Africa.

During the time of Imperialism, the Europeans had a slave trade system in the land and they often would fight over who had the biggest hand in the area, and later when gold and minerals were struck, it only got worse and the locals made very little profit.

South Africans were not allowed in the areas and schools where White immigrants were stationed and when the revolt did begin in the 1950s and so on , it was these laws they tried to break.

Internal unrest which lead to heavy police involvement , racial debates , violence, and terror shock the world, but the South Africans despite everything stood up for themselves , and after 1994, they  won.

Rest in Peace  Sir Nelson Mandela .



Europe wasn’t always the peaceful and pristine Europe it is today. Countries like Italy and Germany were not single countries,  but a bunch of provinces who shared a language and culture.

Italy was like that, and their independence is linked directly with its unification and the unification of Germany.

During the 1800s there were two super powers in Europe, France and Austria,and they both experienced a tight control over the Italian states. But of course it’s not easy or simple for people to under a foreign controller, so throughout the time there were revolts against theose rulers and armies and often attempts to harm the Pope.

This was also the time when Europe had all those revolutions , which started with the French revolution.

Italians owe their sovereignty to three contrasting characters Mazzini,Garibaldi and Count Cavour . Mazzini an educated nationalist poet who dreamed of old glory and spent most of his time in exile. Garabaldi an almost romantic character similar to robin hood who was a skilled leader and charmer ( he has biscuits named after him)  and  of course  Cavour a well established and educated aristocrat who did not always belive in unification, but it just played into his hands.

It was many years of struggle for the Italian people and maybe a great part in their fortune was luck that Prussia( German province) was also on their side and that three very different somehow brought a nation together .



There is one person you need to know about here, and his name is Sir Otto Von Bismark, a slighty large nobleman with a huge appetite and great military skills who was able to play France and Austria like a puppet and beat them.

Now here we had a power struggle between two German states , Prussia and Austria and with much reform and army effort , Prussia was clearly on  the rise which bothered France and Austria.

I am not even going to explain what happened here , because it almost seems movie-like unreal , with intersepting  letters, secret meetings, being casual about the situation, mind games  etc, Bismark was able to kill two birds with almost no stones at all.

But yeah, by 1861 both Italy and Prussia gained freedom.Blood and Iron all the way.





Turkey is a very interesting and diverse country , which Pakistan loves. And they had once been a great empire and were the center of the Muslim world prior to the world wars.

There struggle for freedom came up after they and their alley lost the second world war and were now under siege themselves. Turkey in particular was had issues with the French , Greeks and Armenia .

It was a huge fall for them , but an expected one because the Ottoman empire became known as the dying old man of Europe and they were not cordial with some important fellow Muslim countries, which put them in a weak position .

But that is whole point of  a revolution, and the right leader who can come turn things around and help the people adapt and role with the times.

And if Turkey has anyone to thank for that , it is Mustafa Kemal Pasha .