Written, November 1,2014

​I suppose the best thing to do when you have been hurt or wronged by other people – is to improve oneself or to focus on a goal.

It becomes hard in life to rightfully know what to do in situations which you have little insight for. You wonder if you have been for your goodness or for a bad thing you have done .

And when it comes to hate or indifference people will rarely tell you how they feel . when its love they waste no time and say it likes it means nothing – but the hate they carry stays silent in their heart like lava in a valcano it only comes out at a weak moment .

So you must never let that hate hurt your will-it is hard but stay constant make yourself – improve yourself .

Be it a good deed – habit- skill – your looks or a business and even children or family work for them which in result brings you good words and fortune . 

But do not grow cold be always willing to reconcile and forgive .