Heer Ranjha ( 1970) Review


I just really love this movie. It is a national treasure and everyone should watch it



‘Heer Ranjha’, is a Pakistani film based on a poem by Waris Shah, ‘Heer’ who is the main character of this tragic love story. The poem is a homage and testament to the Punjabi language, landscape, culture and essence and it’s spell and impact is still with us today. In the poem we witness the spiritual growth of Heer, and how the pains of love enable her to grow and see life for what it is. Some scholars suggest that the poem and story is symbolic of a man’s search for Allah, which is common among Sufi writers and poets.

This review is not about the poem but about the 1970 film adaption of the tale, that like the story is an evergreen and enjoyable experience which is both entertaining and enlightening and is made,acted, directed and composed with sincerity and love for Punjabi culture.






The movie starts with a shot of the hero Ranjha playing his flute in the field, as two women pass by carrying water. Which is essentially the best depiction of a Punjabi village that is recognizable and the following scenes of happiness and playfulness were a good way to help  smoothen the movement of the story.

Ranjha is the youngest of the four brothers, and is spoiled and care-free because of which he  spends most of his time playing his flute and pulling pranks on his sister-in-laws, who have had it with him. They tease him one day and that becomes the push he needs to go out into the world and find the girl of his dreams. And then in a song we finally meet her, the beloved Heer.

I’m impressed by how the writers handled the scenes and writing because almost everyone has heard the story and know exactly what is going to happen in the end, and so seeing the two lovers happy at the beginning really brings out those tears when things go bad for them when they have to live without that same acceptance, protection and love from their families and each other.

It is a tragic tale but this movie really did well to add comedic elements which is why it is easy to watch it multiple times without having to cry too much. Both of the lovers are playful and have funny lines, the villains cause laughs despite being jerks, and I was crying tears of joy whenever Heer’s husband said something.

The acting gets full marks from me, all the actors knew what they were saying and the emotion in their voices and eyes was perfect so you really come to care for of them. Which is refreshing because in a lot of recent  adaptions the actors don’t even speak or understand Punjabi very well, and the narrative has turned the Punjabi language into a joke. So it’s just a breath of fresh air and sad realization that in the past we could have actors who knew what they were saying and respected the writing and did their job.




The music was epic, the credits actually start with Noor Jahan singing the poem, and her voice is perfect for the role. The soundtrack over all fits the feeling and the atmosphere very well, and it’s very wholesome with an amazing band of singers, but Noor Jahan’s songs really are the best ones, or at least the most iconic from the film. Especially the Wangli( Flute)  song.

But even with being a fun watch with lovely music, attractive actors and a general happy tone, the movie still does the philosophy of Waris Shah justice, and the poetic dialogue hits you hard. The same can be said about the character development and the love story which is a big statement of the evolution of the human spirit, the power of love, standing up to power and fighting for what you believe in. And it’s sad because they get so close just to fail.

If I had to pick out some not great aspects about the film, I guess it’s a little old so the print isn’t that high is definition and there are songs scenes and songs were weren’t that necessary like the whole thing about Heer’s sister-in-law. But overall I don’t really have many complaints. The acting, singing and writing was good, and the overall feeling you get from watching the movie is fun and happy. Waris Shah was ahead of his time, and we should applaud his genius.




It might not appeal modern movie watchers who need seven to twelve item songs, a car chase, out-of-order physics or forced jokes with a laughing track that only makes it worse.

‘Heer Ranjha’ is essentially the standard for good Pakistani and Desi cinema.

I should be handed down to a whole new generation so they can connect with their culture and history and learn from the philosophy and life of our great saints and writers.

And there are plenty  adaptions of the tale, but I would say that this is a best one.

So yeah, watch it with the family and maybe introduce your kids to it and tell them the story, because we need to preserve and protect our culture.


To watch the movie :


To listen to the original poem:



To learn more about Waris Shah and his literature:


Mausoleum of Waris Shah



Lok Virsa to launch book on Waris Shah