Random Update


Hey everyone.

Since I haven’t been uploading any proper story- short or long, and I haven’t really written any poem on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to just have a random update post. One in which I just tell you guys what I have been up to and what I have planned for the remainder of this new year.

Well… first of all I am in summer school this time of year, and hopefully after this session I will have a big load of my back. Not a huge load but some loss of weight is better than nothing. I have also been doing a lot of street photography these last few days, and I am proud of that commitment, and hopefully with work,time and consistency I will greatly improve. I posted a lot of pictures on my Instagram account… so do follow me there and let me know if you liked the pictures.

And what I want to do is get some nice posters for my room. I want really small clip outs or print out of pictures and people that mean something to me. I’ve seen some people do the same, and it seems like an excellent idea. It would be good for me because it would teach me about room decor and help with self realization and self expression.

Also I pray that by some miracle, that when I get back to school (university) I can have ‘Ramiz’, and ‘Nothing Happened’ published and have a release for them in my school. It’s weird because I’ve been talking about having done and published since February of this year, and I feel like I’ve been pregnant with the book for months now. As for the other book, which is ‘Nothing Happened’, a short story collection which I posted here on the blog, and I will be adding in a few more stories to. I was able to do it pretty fast, which is a good sign. The battle now is just to get  them published and give back to society.

Even if it’s a small gift for now.

Oh and I’ve also been a little active on YouTube. I’m not that entertaining yet, but I plan on getting a lot of good content up in the coming time. The name of my channel is ‘Ranjha’s girl’ and I would to see any of you guys there.

I hope you are having a good time wherever you are in the world, and that you have a great year.

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