Random Update


Hey everyone.

Since I haven’t been uploading any proper story- short or long, and I haven’t really written any poem on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to just have a random update post. One in which I just tell you guys what I have been up to and what I have planned for the remainder of this new year.

Well… first of all I am in summer school this time of year, and hopefully after this session I will have a big load of my back. Not a huge load but some loss of weight is better than nothing. I have also been doing a lot of street photography these last few days, and I am proud of that commitment, and hopefully with work,time and consistency I will greatly improve. I posted a lot of pictures on my Instagram account… so do follow me there and let me know if you liked the pictures.

And what I want to do is get some nice posters for my room. I want really small clip outs or print out of pictures and people that mean something to me. I’ve seen some people do the same, and it seems like an excellent idea. It would be good for me because it would teach me about room decor and help with self realization and self expression.

Also I pray that by some miracle, that when I get back to school (university) I can have ‘Ramiz’, and ‘Nothing Happened’ published and have a release for them in my school. It’s weird because I’ve been talking about having done and published since February of this year, and I feel like I’ve been pregnant with the book for months now. As for the other book, which is ‘Nothing Happened’, a short story collection which I posted here on the blog, and I will be adding in a few more stories to. I was able to do it pretty fast, which is a good sign. The battle now is just to get  them published and give back to society.

Even if it’s a small gift for now.

Oh and I’ve also been a little active on YouTube. I’m not that entertaining yet, but I plan on getting a lot of good content up in the coming time. The name of my channel is ‘Ranjha’s girl’ and I would to see any of you guys there.

I hope you are having a good time wherever you are in the world, and that you have a great year.

On time, absent space and the transparency of our dreams

Just so you know . I should be asleep right now . But obviously I’ve spent  the dark hours of the night with open eyes and a dreaming mind. 

It’s a strange and bittersweet romantic ordeal, for I wake up late in the day and can never really decide. Did I make full use of the night or did I waste half a day ? 

I find the night peaceful.  It’s unlike the day when all life matter is awake- no. The night was made for a different race of people.  Those who need the cold and the drunken tinge of loneliness. 

For time exists in the night. But in the night when one is awake , there is feeling of greatness. A pride that for some reason we who are awake are ahead. We can have a space others don’t.  That something happens in the night that is impossible in the day. 

More time. 

Where does time go? And is time real ? Have we be believing the unreal ? Are we following something we don’t really understand? What are we measuring time against? How much time do we have ? All pointless philosophy questions. That I can question but cannot and will not answer. 

Time does exist, but to what end. I feel like I have wasted a lot of time, and just so time has wasted me. It is a grim body that stops for no one, and neither can stop for it. And sadly time is the dangling sword on the head of many of our dreams. There is supposedly a narrow crack in a stone which lets light in and those who want their glory have to jump at the right moment. And even so they say it takes ten years to crown an overnight success. 

So is no time spent wasted . Is all time important. Is the counting of time or wrong. Obviously all great nations value time , they arrive,depart, marry,murder and excuse themselves on record time. But many a great people have enjoyed a little carelessness and God has blessed them just as much. They have taken on duties and lived well just like that. 

It is however terrifying ,sickening and tremendously haunting watching the time go by, and have no dreams come true . Why do we young people feel the need to internalize and worship every small scar that we cut into existence.  

For the passage of time and the events inbetween can vary for people.  We are not the same and yet we compare ourselves to eachother . Whichis understandable , but to what level . I would rather be held against nothing and be seen for who I am and what I differ from.

How long must I wait? And I know people have waited long.  But if time has passed for a door, why is that door still in my face. How has it been so easy for opportunity to pull through my brittle and  broken fingers. 

Why would God give us dreams that are only fantasies?  

If time,love and emotions are able to take places , is the night where we store these would be dreams . I’m not sure if we can find in the day what we love and touch in the night. 
And look at me I’ve asked for more than I’ve answered. 

THE Night Time 

Pass over of princely states

Underdogs of the last revolution

Shadow people

All come alive

When the sun goes down

And drowns into the blackness

Of the tiny milky way of waste

Then the moon falls full

Over our eyes

Under our feet

A silver disc of the racing ravens

The light of the night

The love of my life

Burning without a sound or sirens

But even the love of my life

Can’t fight the blankness

The time of the beasts

And dont you find it also strange

That all ghosts feel visible in the night

All vampires walk in the night

Werewolves rise with the moonshine

Spirits curse in the shadows

And thieves plot also

And sins of the flesh taste better in the night

Murders of brothers are safer by winter nights

And breaking hearts feel heavy with the summer set

All grounds seem witch held by dusk

And all children must be home or else

And yet what difference is there between night and day

But a temporary loss of light