On writing ‘Ramiz’ my poetry Book

ramiz coverHey everyone. I hope everything has been fine and blessed on your end, and today I’m going to talk about something very special and close to my heart.This year I got the chance to publish and launch my poetry book ‘Ramiz’. I had been working on it for about three or four years as a concept for a proper book, there had been multiple delays and distractions in between that got in the way. But that’s fine, because it wasn’t until this passing December that I finally felt that Ramiz was complete and ready for the world.So I’m going to talk about what Ramiz is about . Ramiz was a cousin of mine who we lost a couple of years ago, he died in between my uncle and my mama. During that time I wasn’t really writing anything, I was out of pretty much everything. I had given up on a lot of things. It was during that time that I wrote one poem about Ramiz, with his name as the title, on a rough page with black ink. And by some miracle I never lost that singular,flimsy page. Years after that I thought about writing more poems along the same theme,sound and feel. Initially it was about thirty pages, which I thought this was enough. By this time I was in my university, the first semester, I was working for my publisher and I figured that everything would happen really fast. But I kept on delaying things myself.So fast forward three years, Ramiz was completed with about fifty poems, one short story and one personal essay, and at the brink of the final semester. I wouldn’t really call the end perfect. I wasn’t able to fulfill the complete the mental image that I wanted, and everyone I wanted to be there wasn’t able to make it. But I’ve learned to not be so obsessed with images and dreams and take things as they are, and walk out of my mind. I was also able to have my first photography exhibition on the same day. My father was there, and I spoke rather well on stage, so I guess everything turned out fine.ramiz4So what is Ramiz about?Ramiz, I guess the book about dealing with someone not being there. Someone slipping away, and you having to live them no being there. It’s about feelings of loss,change,regret and pain, all packaged in symbols and beauty, without taking any names.It’s also about nostalgia, or the relationship we have with time, and how unreal it can feel at times, as nothing makes sense and we don’t know how to react to anything.It’s about love.And as a whole the book is about growing up, having personal closure and letting everything go.And I feel like it’s development mirrors my own growth and journey as a a mature person. The world just feels more open and welcoming now. It practically made me see the value in art and literature.Apart from that I want to say the writing is fairly simple, and easy to read. The color blue is very important to the context, images and theme of the book, I sort of inserted it into everything. And lyrically and sonic-ally the sounds follow a lot of nursery rhymes and slowly grow into more complex and dense sounds.And I’m going to keep on writing the future also, and have some fun ideas to work on. But I don’t think I will be able to give it the same dedication, tears and love as I have given Ramiz. Something so natural to my destiny.

I’m going to work on getting Ramiz out to everyone now. But I don’t have an ordering link at the moment. As soon as that is up, I’m going to share it with everyone. It’s going to a modern testament of love and a classic.


Watch “BJ Saqid ( Author) Interview” on YouTube

So as I was walking around with my friend Mina, so sort of came across a book launch for a book about Imran Khan.

BJ Saqid was the author, and he seemed like a very nice man, and he was polite enough to answer all of our questions regarding his book and his beliefs about the subject.

He also mentioned that he will be working on more publications, and we can’t wait to see them.

Please follow my YouTube channel.

I’ll be posting there more often.

Emily Dickinson’s relationship with Death

Hi everyone

This is my essay for my American poetry class. I got good reviews on it, and I think I did a good job, but I really want to improve my writing and analytical skills. So if you have any expertise, suggestions or remarks, be generous.





Emily Dickinson had a rather interesting relationship with death itself, and she acknowledged this throughout her life, that she was haunted by the ‘menace of death’.Her poetry has several accounts of her experiencing funerals and death takes on different forms and faces to communicate with her. This alludes to the establishment of a bond of finding solace and companionship with death.

One might suggest that it was the aversion she felt towards the futile existence of real life, that led her to crave death. For, she did make a constant effort to not experience a full life, or lead an existence like the others around her. She spent her life rarely leaving her room, communicating through closed doors, and she didn’t even her own fathers funeral down stairs. She never married, and only wore white. She lived not living a life of the common woman of that time.

She was indeed a prolific writer who expressed herself unlike anyone else in poetry, but even  her poems were a well-kept secret, discovered after her death by her sister. It is also important knowing that her room had a clear vision of a graveyard – and that her family had taken work as caretakers for funerals.

By this outline, one can easily see why the interest in death would develop, as it was all around her.

But death is not ugly,sad, terrifying or distasteful for her. in her narrations and poems, Dickinson is someone who is not a stranger to the face of death and death is often personified as someone she interacts with. She also experiences in full vision her own funeral without a peep of fear, regret or unease and even her descriptions of death are not filled with typical colors of black, purple , green or images of grit but all images come with easy emotions.

One may analyse that because her life was absent of catalysts that engaged her interest. She found activity  and stimulation in these thoughts of dying.

“Because I could not stop for death

He kindly stopped for me “

Death with its many faces is sometimes a friendly companion, a devil-like fly and also a lover. This could be an indication to the repressed feelings within her, as she could not physically digest the reality of those commitments in real life, she decided to have them in her imagination.

It is interesting for death to be her lover, because according to the psychoanalytical theory the desire not to die and to reproduce are what form a persons basic moving factors in all humans, but there is obviously an inversion of this concept  here. She is attached to the desire of dying and in it finds the place to create life. Maybe her poems are one of those creations of her love for death.

There is obviously no denial of death in her poems, as she bluntly mentions it. What one might suggest is that the constant occurrence of death might be an act of ‘sublimation’. Sublimation is a defense mechanism in which bad memories and feelings are  made uplifting and beautiful in order to ease the pain of those memories.  So her ordeal with death in her poetry is a way of dealing with the death of loved ones – a kind of therapy to ride her heart and mind of trauma.

“I could not see to see”

Compared with writers on the same topic, the death of women, or death in general her poems are very sensual, active and through the vivid and watching eyes of the dying soul.

Edgar Allen Poe would often write about the death of his wife, and in his poems, would mention her death body, which in a way objectified her. And the tragedy in his poems does not follow the death of his wife, but follows his loss and depression of the loss of her to him, and everything that he felt and saw.

“For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
   In her sepulchre there by the sea—
   In her tomb by the sounding sea.”

And if one sees that through the waiting days of John Keats, one finds a sad man, waiting like a caged animal to meet death as something that he knows is coming, and there is no hope for him. So for Keats there is often that denial or exclusion of the body of death, and a focus on the beauty of what is felt, and an obsession of wanting to freeze time and be immortal through poetry and art.

“Why did I laugh tonight? No voice will tell:

No god, no demon of severe response,

Deigns to reply from heaven or from hell.

Then to my human heart I turn at once-

Heart! thou and I are here sad and alone;

Say, wherefore did I laugh? O mortal pain!”


All of which is not there in Emily Dickinson’s words, who is comfortable and at ease with the grim reaper. Her ‘voyeurism’ transcends the simple plot of dying, that one might say that because she an intellectual ahead of her time, she knew her thoughts would not be accepted in her polite, puritanical society.  She therefore exiled herself for her own safety.

And this becomes apparent in her poems ‘ I heard a fly buzz’, in which she is aware of the eyes watching her and how a small fly has blocked her vision. The fly is a symbol for the devil, because the people around her would believe she belonged to  hell. The devil is often called the lord of the flies and this fly denies her clear vision.

Vision, was something of great importance to her. The eyes  were a mirroring symbol for people, death is never watching her, death is becoming to her. In death she found her muse, lover,friend, foe and a canvas to express herself and everything inside her mind.


Further reading.




Graveyard Poem

This is a poem after a long time. About my grandfathers.



A long time ago
A traveller built his hut
Outside the town park
Where two boys played
This was after the king was poisoned 
And the Queen sent to the nunnery
And the children sent close away
These boys didn’t leave
And maybe they never met each other
But ran through the same grass
They rose to their charms and beauty
And left for war
And left for the forests
Within track struck trains
And in the curves of lost thoughts
Their children inherited
Languages now lost
Stories still echoed
Both young…troubled
Amazed and in tears
That God fed them
As if they were –
And now just a few steps aside
They lay deep in eternal sleep
With the graves almost lost
Where nobody came
Where everyone forgot
Then why do I
Blushed like the petals







Must you try
And confuse my thoughts
My fibre won’t stay sane
Whatever is felt against back and bone
With black lines inside black eyes
The messenger gets the meaning and the master
A charm for what he carries home
Must we think
Like the priest handling the economy
Nothing has hurt you
At least not yet
Not deep enough
With air mixing the taste of regret down hell
Must I still
Not exist and see everything
Remember nothing
I care very little
About the sanctity of life
And all those living
Their beliefs of customs
I don’t care at all
Must this also
Slip from between my fingers
Leave my heart to pieces
Let the image fall

‘Masala Rasala’, my own magazine.




In this post I want to talk about my new magazine. The site is up and it looks cute, but I haven’t really uploaded any content on it yet, but I am extremely happy that it is actually real in cyber space.

So let’s start with the name of the magazine, which is ‘Masala Rasala‘. Masala is basically a mix of different spices  to give food that extra kick, and Rasala means magazine or better ‘issue’. I wanted something that could be understood in a range of levels just by the name, and this name does exactly that, it rhymes well, bounces of the lips and makes most of friends  laugh when they hear the name. My class fellow came up with as a joke, and well, her joke made it for me. So as a lesson comedy is important…it makes sense and dreams come true.

My content for now will be good,extensive and enlightening interviews. It’s probably the easiest thing we can do for now, and I will be going into good informative and cultural articles that are well written but easy to understand.

I am sure that this venture will open up a lot of doors for me, and that I will be able to give something good back to the community. And if you guys and girls would like to join in and give in articles or join the army when the time comes.

I’ll keep you guys and girls updated about the growth of this magazine, because I would never have got to having a magazine without having this blog.

Softer rains



Verse 1

Maybe the rain will come back in the morning,

                                         Maybe the night will go with flashes, hail, thunder and lightning,

                            Dropping hard against the window,

                            Falling flat in shame with nowhere to go,

                           Splashes hit my face, and the clock picks up the pace- I’ve nothing to do

                        But sleep… Sleep and forget it all…sleep and forget it all ;

                   Why does the sky have to howl and cry?

                   Why can’t the fall break the string or the lie?

                                              ( Chorus)

  This is nothing compared for what’s to come,

The rain will pour on until the last drop in not done,

No one for a tear to stop a storm,

The sun only shines with love once in a blue moon,

Light that doesn’t reach far into the darkness of your room,

May the sun shine still someday on your face,

And dry any trail of…trail of… rain;

Verse 2

What good is life? If it fills nothing but the void,

And what good is love if it leaves you toyed, and a bit annoyed,

What will the day keep to itself, when the moon shuts out all memory that matters,

If the the next brings the same hurt as the days before… then what good is any better;

If we had more time, more love, more sunshine, more of everything,

Maybe we could actually sing;

  ( Chorus)

  This is nothing compared for what’s to come,

The rain will pour on until the last drop in not done,

No one for a tear to stop a storm,

The sun only shines with love once in a blue moon,

Light that doesn’t reach far into the darkness of your room,

May the sun shine still someday on your face,

And dry any trail of…trail of… rain;

Verse 3

 Falling down.

Falling  forever

Falling flat

Falling forever

Jump in the fire and come different forever;

  ( Chorus)

  This is nothing compared for what’s to come,

The rain will pour on until the last drop in not done,

No one for a tear to stop a storm,

The sun only shines with love once in a blue moon,

Light that doesn’t reach far into the darkness of your room,

May the sun shine still someday on your face,

And dry any trail of…trail of… rain;


February and January have always been 

And will this time around be

The deepest and brightest hint of blue 

Because it was the blue sea spitting out foam where you lived by 

The shallow sea side 

By your bedside 

Where you hid away inside 

I’ll have the sky and the air blue 

Just for you 

And later this year 

I’ll  have the grass and a forest lands 

A rich green and gold 

Earthy, sober and  serene 

For the child if you please 

And I hope that by November again

All will fade down and burst 

Like dots black and white 

Random Update


Hey everyone.

Since I haven’t been uploading any proper story- short or long, and I haven’t really written any poem on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to just have a random update post. One in which I just tell you guys what I have been up to and what I have planned for the remainder of this new year.

Well… first of all I am in summer school this time of year, and hopefully after this session I will have a big load of my back. Not a huge load but some loss of weight is better than nothing. I have also been doing a lot of street photography these last few days, and I am proud of that commitment, and hopefully with work,time and consistency I will greatly improve. I posted a lot of pictures on my Instagram account… so do follow me there and let me know if you liked the pictures.

And what I want to do is get some nice posters for my room. I want really small clip outs or print out of pictures and people that mean something to me. I’ve seen some people do the same, and it seems like an excellent idea. It would be good for me because it would teach me about room decor and help with self realization and self expression.

Also I pray that by some miracle, that when I get back to school (university) I can have ‘Ramiz’, and ‘Nothing Happened’ published and have a release for them in my school. It’s weird because I’ve been talking about having done and published since February of this year, and I feel like I’ve been pregnant with the book for months now. As for the other book, which is ‘Nothing Happened’, a short story collection which I posted here on the blog, and I will be adding in a few more stories to. I was able to do it pretty fast, which is a good sign. The battle now is just to get  them published and give back to society.

Even if it’s a small gift for now.

Oh and I’ve also been a little active on YouTube. I’m not that entertaining yet, but I plan on getting a lot of good content up in the coming time. The name of my channel is ‘Ranjha’s girl’ and I would to see any of you guys there.

I hope you are having a good time wherever you are in the world, and that you have a great year.

“Calcium” from the “Nothing Happened” collection

Hi everyone.

I hope everyone is doing fine and is reading well, this is the first story from a collection idea I had in my head for a while. I am personally very happy with the concept and after I finish the set here, I might have them published through Daastan.

Wish me luck.


Hamza was ready for college, and he had everything that he needed to be ready.He  awake before everyone, had all his equipment packed tight in the back of the car, sitting and waiting in the front seat of the car with his head lightly leaned back ,his eyes closed.

Slow as the morning he was in, he always took the time to feel the stillness around, and realize that in order to get things going he had to do something.

Slowly opening his eyes, he held up his wrist to his face and sighed gently, he had to move quick. Without moving much, he placed his palm on the horn, and left it there. The sound caught the attention of the two German shepherds in the front yard  tied to a tree. It also caught the attention of everyone inside the house, since the noise of the horn brought the feeling of a quickness in his atmosphere. He sensed the change, and without uttering a sound did a countdown.

” One…Two…Three” he counted with a small smile.

“Don’t leave me behind! ” a girl ran clumsily out of the large doors of the house, carrying too many shopping bags and with her short hair dripping wet.

” Hurry” Hamza took pressure of the horn as she with a sudden step sat in the back of the car ” Or I might just leave you for good”.

She sighed catching her breath ” You always say that, but you never do”

” What a tragedy” he drove back into the road with focused eyes ” What a shame”.

She almost laughed, but said instead looking outside the window, squeezing her hair ” There is no shame. There is no decency”.

Hamza, her brother, stopped at the red light while no other cars were at the crossing,

” There is no problem”.

 Hamza, rubbed a blue tissue over forehead, and felt the hot wetness of his sweat hit his fingers. Summer was having her moment, and it would be worse in class, with 30 other boys, stuffed in a room, calculating.

But he wasn’t in the class room yet, he was  in the college ground, waiting for the others to show up. They had to train early, before anyone else, like all sports kids would. The boy was no stranger to being awake, and he was no stranger to being alone, and being still in that moment, taking in the momentum. The wind picked up as stood there at the center, and it blew the blue tissue right out of hand and onto the pale green grass.

He followed its movement until it hit a pair of white shoes. Looking up from there, he smiled ” Aren’t we early?”

” No” his friend and class-fellow walked towards him ” I’d say we missed the whole thing. Maybe we should go to class instead”.

” Really Haider? “

“No” Hiader insisted like a taunt almost ” Throw education”.

” Still mad about losing yesterday?” Hamza tried not to match his tone. Which only made Haider laugh out more.

” A win is a win – even if it’s a loss”

” That’s right” Hamza replied with no truth, only formality.

The boy lowered his head into the sink, he pulled the tap and let the cool water hit the back of his head. His classes had just ended, and he played well, and was time to go home where he could have a proper bath.

The water felt nice against his face, as it dripped down from his hair and into the sink. Oddly enough the heat got to him today, he never had to worry about anything before.Today his breath came uneasy and his legs felt heavy, something he felt for a while, but ignored.

He was his best, when he was on the field, and was his worst, when doing nothing. Football was what he almost what he lived for, it was a part of life for the past twelve years, and as far-fetched  as it felt to him, he wanted the game to be his goal in life. He wanted the world’s stage, all those eyes to be on him, but only during his glory, only during those long moments when he cared for nothing and moved like a snake.

He was driven, and ambitious to have it all, and everyone knew it only when he let the desire come through. The talent that he built with hours and hours under the golden sun , perfecting his vision. Balancing his movements and controlling his speed and senses in a way, the normal boys, even the ones who played well could not do. A force of nature almost which the very few can embody, and he embodied it well, and everyone saw it at once when it was there. It was there today, as he kicked the ball through all the other boys, as their faces faded from his vision, and the sounds around him went deaf to the blood in him, and he running hard, felt as  if time did not .

Then why, with all these advantages, today, had the sun almost sting his eyes? Was he…

” Still not home?” Bilal opened the door of the washroom, with a football under his arm.

” Does it look like I am?” Hamza turned the tap, and looked up at his wet face in the mirror . He felt better with the water falling down his spine and chest.

Bilal shook his head ” You’re the first to come and the last to leave”

” Is that a bad thing? “

“Hmm” Bilal walked away, and his friend followed ” What do you have planned outside of football for your future? “

“There’s always the family business” Hamza answered ” The milk business”

” Yeah. That’s good money. It’s nice to know that some of us are secure for the future”

The boys stopped and nodded good-bye to each other, and Hamza drove the hour-long journey back home.

Milk. Milk is where the family fortune came from and lived on, on the backs and bellies or thousands of desi and a couple of foreign cows. And it wasn’t just milk that they had to sell to the country, but everything that came with milk, like cream, paneer, ghee and butter. The only thing left was ice cream, and that would soon join the production list, which made his sister excited for free ice cream, even if it wasn’t from her favorite kind- she’d still eat it.

Such a grand substance to harvest it was – Milk, the noor of God. The first thing we have after honey in this world. The very fuel to our blood, and one of the many rivers of heaven.

Hamza spent many hours at the factories, and quickly got to  know how to run a company. He could do it right now if he wanted to, join his father and take it for himself. Sports does that to people, they feel like they can go after anything, because they know how to invest time and energy towards that goal.

But in all sincerity, all he wanted was to be play football, and win.

“Beta” his father up from the couch and hugged him, ” I’ve been waiting for you all day. Why did you take this much time?”

” I have a late class on Thursday. You know that” He moved back and called out to the maid to get him some water.

It was easy for him to talk to his rather old father, who was short and had bright red cheeks. Hamza thought that made him the ideal person to own a dairy products franchise, but he also thought of his father unfit for the business world.

“You’ve been exercising , have some milk instead. It’s best for you”   his cheerful and pink-cheeked father insisted and then yelled out to the maid.

And so she brought both in a tray ” You do not have to yell for me If I am in the other room” She said annoyed.

“Where’s Maa?” Hamza asked taking the tray , drinking the water in one gulp.

“In the other room. And you should sit down when you drink water”

Hamza shook his head, and walked up into his room, ” No use repenting over swallowed water” he grinned, ” Let her know I’m home”.

He woke at midnight, when the whole city was sleeping, and the house along with it. He saw the cream glass of milk sitting untouched on his right, on the tip of the side table as if it was about to fall.

He couldn’t drink it anymore. Getting up from his bed still in his uniforms and shoes, he picked the glass up and walked towards the bathroom. He flicked the white light on in his largely blue bathroom and tipped the milk over and watched it flow down into the sink.

As soon as the glass was empty, he opened the tap and washed the traces of the milk away, even if the smell stayed there.

” No use crying over flushed milk either” Hamza said to himself as he turned the lights out.

Most of our time is spent talking about politics, work, money and finally dreams. Hamza could not think about any other thing in the world that was worth mentioning at social gatherings and he felt best at ease on the field with his friends.

They discussed the political state of Pakistan and about how much better it would be if the common man knew how to stand up for himself. They talked about education and corruption in all areas of the world, and not to mention the oppression that plagued certain parts of the world. If nothing else we were not one of them. At some point they  thought about creating a secret society that worked to protect the working class from imperialism.

All of this was discussed in between practice and games, with Hamza listening as he flexed and worked his body down to the bone, up to the muscle and till his blood  was ready to boil. Leaving him out of breath and sleepy, so as Haider and Bilal worried about the elections, Hamza was out cold on the park, under the summer sun.

But with all the love he had for his friends, family and country, he couldn’t help but feel he didn’t know what he felt about anything beyond them.

Which is common of a boy , that does not see past what they want to see.Leaving so much out there a mystery.

Hamza came down from his room after a long bath, rubbing a towel on his head . His sister and mother were just leaving to go shopping for the new born in the family.

” Hamza” his mother placed a hand on his forehead ” Stay home, and try not to play today. You’ve been over working. Watch some TV instead.”

” No one won anything by watching television Mama ” He sat down on the couch and held the remote.

” That’s a good son”

” Bye Bhai” his sister yelled.

” Bye Amna” He yelled back.

He switched the news on, even If he liked them the least . You rarely heard any good news anymore,and you’d end feeling sick to your stomach. Mostly poor people with nothing to save them, that, or some disaster that came out of no where. The media had to make it worse by adding dramatic music, as if it was some movie.

The news is not a movie.

” Ayesha Mumtaz” he heard the host say. She was the new hero of our time, a woman who did her job.

She went around exposing all the diseased fake food people were eating in five-star restaurants. She shut everything down, even if the public would still spend a fortune for their early death.

He liked her,but then he suddenly took more attention to the screen. But it was bittersweet, he was glad someone cared about food , but sick that the situation was this bad to begin with.

They were investigating the production of fake milk.

Fake milk made from enzymes, glucose and surf , mixed and bleached to look the real thing. All being made in a dirty abandoned factory where no one would want their food to come from.

Hamza felt his stomach go stiff, and his head struck with a hollow pain. He stood straight up baffled and outraged, knowing that hundreds of people were probably poisoned with this. Then it made him wonder why would someone do such a thing, did it never come across their minds that they could kill people.

How were these people smart enough to use detergent to make milk, but not enough to see that it was poison. And what about shame?

The city was sick on dead donkeys and surf. With chemical extract coke and rotten vegetables and silicone filled chickens.

“What a waste of intelligence! ” he held his face ” Why is this happening? “

When his family came back, Hamza went straight to his father and told him what he saw on the news. No matter how much his father assured him nothing like that happened in their own factories, the boy wanted some kind of  record confirmation.

He wanted to go there and see for himself. He had to be there, to be sure, and only then would his mind be clean of what he say, but no one could take him seriously .

“What makes you think all this packaged foreign food is poisoned to? ” Amna stated with an innocent face. She just didn’t see what the big deal was with her brother this time.

“How can you be so clam about this? This could seriously damage the health of millions” Hamza shot back.

“It’s not new Hamza”

This was such a sudden change.

He did not sleep that night and whenever he closed his eyes he saw visions of sickness and of blood in his milk. His dream was full of red apples and as he touched them, they would crumble into sand.

He grew pale and weak that night.

The  sun burned  hard the next day , and Hamza was sweating in the field with the others.

The sky was a bright canvas of white and heat was bad enough that you they saw vapor all around them, but strangely Hamza  felt as if none of that mattered.The boy needed a distraction and he needed to train.

Bilal and Haider were right there,playing against him, all of them glistening in the sweat, dust and heat of the bull of summer. They fought each other for what seemed to be a battered up ball, something almost broken by fearless feet and unforgiving legs against the dirt and sand of the field.

Hamza had been playing like he always did, he was unaware of the strain on his body, and what suffering he brought onto himself, he ignored. He was ignoring now as he ran towards the goal keeper, flying through the flames, until suddenly time hit him again.

Inches away from winning he hit the ground and fell face front into the snow and down the hole.

“Hamza!” both of his friends yelled.

“Hamza?” a new voice called out, ” Are you awake yet”

He opened his eyes slowly to see a man with glasses in a white jacket, looking down at him.

” What happened?”

“You fainted” the doctor sat down ” Right out of no where”

“Am I sick ?”

“You have a calcium deficiency” the doctor looked through some papers and wrote something down in terrible writing.

“What?” Hamza snapped up, “That cant happen.I own milk factories, I am not the kind of people who should have deficiencies. I have everything”

The doctor said nothing

“It’s impossible” Hamza laid  back and covered his eyes with his arm ” It’s not fair”

” You can have all the milk in the world, but it won’t help unless you actually drink it”

“It’s impossible” Hamza thought to himself ” What a waste of resources”.