Interviews that I’ve Conducted

Hi everyone

So I know I haven’t uploaded a lot in the last couple  of months…been a bit busy.

I did an intership at Kluchit magazine, where I was able to upload a lot of interviews that I’ve done with some amazing people. I also got some interviews on Mashion.

I hope you like them. I’m going leave them all here, so they are easy to go through.


Our Existential Crisis Explored : A chat with Artist Johan Deckmann

( A truly talented and patient person)



Speaking with Award Winning Journalist Shams-ul-Haq

( Interesting and someone to look upto)


A meeting with ‘In the Company of Strangers’ Author Awais Khan

( Fun fun)


The Light Blue Jumper in Science Fiction: An Interview with Sidra F.Sheikh

( Dignified and innovative)


The Artist’s Journey: A chat with REMTEM CEO Reema Siddiqui

( Inspiring , hard working and amazing)


Writing About Love: Talking to Novelist Sara Naveed

( nice and good to talk to)


Inner Horror: A Chat with Graphic Artist Matt Cummings

( Love his work)


The Woman behind Trophy Wife Barbie

( LOVE HER Work)


Singing the Indus Blues: Meeting Documentary Filmmaker Jawad Sharif

( A really nice person with great vision and a nice heart)


Strangers In the Dark : A Chat with Artist Fabian Perez

( The highlight of my year)


For the Children: Introducing Story-teller Ammarah Shah

( a big future ahead of her)


Going Places : Speaking with Photographer Usman Zubair

( Such a lovely collection of pictures)


Magical Lights : A chat with Photographer Muaz Asim

( Wish him the best)


Meeting ‘This House of Clay and Water’ Author, Faiqa Mansab

( A great read)


In Conversation with Author Soniah Kamal

( something new, someone we need to listen to)

Graveyard Poem

This is a poem after a long time. About my grandfathers.



A long time ago
A traveller built his hut
Outside the town park
Where two boys played
This was after the king was poisoned 
And the Queen sent to the nunnery
And the children sent close away
These boys didn’t leave
And maybe they never met each other
But ran through the same grass
They rose to their charms and beauty
And left for war
And left for the forests
Within track struck trains
And in the curves of lost thoughts
Their children inherited
Languages now lost
Stories still echoed
Both young…troubled
Amazed and in tears
That God fed them
As if they were –
And now just a few steps aside
They lay deep in eternal sleep
With the graves almost lost
Where nobody came
Where everyone forgot
Then why do I
Blushed like the petals



My pictures of Horses

Hi there,

I haven’t been able to post much, despite writing more, this time around. I’ve done a lot this year regarding photography, and gained some fame for it. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Here are some pictures I took of horses. And some facts because…I don’t know.


Arab horses are one of the strongest endurance runners in the animal kingdom and are capable of running over 100 miles (160 km) without rest.





The horse is one of the 12 Chinese signs of the Zodiac. Those who are born in the hear of the horse are thought to be intelligent, free-spirited, and independent.




A horse’s eyes are about 9 times larger than that of a human. In fact, horses have the largest eyes of any land mammal. They can also see nearly 360 degrees.




While technically not a horse, a unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. According to mythology, unicorns hated lions, which were the symbol of British royals. Unicorns also symbolize power and grace.





Horses use their ears, eyes and nostrils to express their mood. They also communicate their feelings through facial expressions.




Dealing with plain Jahalat



I probably am going to step on some toes, but it’s okay.

So this is probably something that most young people, or children in the family deal with, but isn’t it mind-numbing dealing with the rather oppressive and jahalati stuff that your families are bent on. Like based on your experience , beliefs or education you understand something and you want to move forward and act in a more logical way, at least in your head, but somehow some people always have a personal issue with your personal actions. And they often override your voice and try to demean and degrade the things you like and abuse you mentally like its nothing.

I think in desi families and societies, we sort of leave a blind eye to these incidents, because this kind of treatment mostly comes from people who have some sort of social or financial control over us. Like elders,parents, siblings, distant relatives, further relatives, neighbors, dead relatives, society, fictional characters, other countries- there is no end. And in lots of cases I understand that you have to compromise, and deal with problems.

But dealing with problems does not mean being okay with being publicly crucified. You marrying a guy should not mean having to let his family tell everyone your a dirty woman, or have them spread rumors about you being infertile. But that is abuse thousands of girls face and face with a push, nobody tells them its okay to refuse being treated like a slave in the house of the stranger she married. I mean where is the logic and accountability?

The girls family spends her whole life making them ashamed for existing, and reminding girls that they are a burden, and they keep shoving it down your back that the house of your parents is not your house, but your house is the house where your parents pay for in gold and jahaiz, just to have it kabzaad by her in-laws, and used to wed away her rude sister-in-laws. And how is that it is always these holier than thou children of shaitan that act all holy and proper, that feel like Allah will not let them in heaven if they dont ruin at least the life of three girls. Girls that no one is forcing to take-in, they find the girls themselves, they know what exactly they are marrying into-  Phir kya takleef hai in jahiloon ko. You can’t even call people jahil, because it turns into a ‘not all religious families’, ‘not all modern families’,’not all civilians’,’not all army’. It doesn’t matter. If you are going to do jahil stuff then you should be ready for people to call you what you are.

Adhay say zyada waqt tou maa baap hee aundoon key tarah apnay bachoon ko agg mein pehnk rahay hotain hain. I mean why would you interrupt the education of your olnly daughter, for a random rishta who has no job,no house, no nice family, just because you are scared that she won’t have a secure future. Kyon ka I believe Dosak sirk gunah karnay waloon kay liya nahi , beywakoofoun kay liya hai. These people don’t do their proper research. Trip mein jab yeh jab yeh loog jatay hain, to puray puray sawaal kar kay, idhar udhar say puch bhi ley tain hain, kay shyd koi fraud na hogaye. Apni batioun ko us ghar nahi janay detain, ka pata nahi kiss tarah kay loog houn ghain?

Bus yeh hee woh hoosh jo shadi karnay ka waqt in ka ander maar jati hai.

I get that some times people make mistakes, but the manner in which these mistakes are made, Is stupid, Is insulting. Is absurd. Is pointless. And brings people nothing but ruin and trauma. There is nothing to gain by keeping these systems and cycles going. Let them fall apart, and think about the greater good.

And it’s not even the really big changes like marriages. You can’t really have quirks or odd passions. I like going out and taking pictures, but I have to spread those trips in sections and not do too many, or look like its something I enjoy. It’s stupid. Even by just calling these things stupid, I open myself open to being called modern and bold. Like its a bad thing.I don’t have to think  like everyone else, and I’m not hurting anybody. But you know, you can’t negate anything- because that is of course dis-respectable. There is a lot injustice and abuse parents have done under the name of customs, rights and religion. Koi hasaab hee nahee hai. It’s nothing but a power trap, that we confuse for love and care. It’s nothing but smoke and mirrors.

But how does not react or behave around this jahalat? How does one stand at a sitting and tell people that she doesn’t think dark skin is ugly, and that it’s wrong to treat the daughter-in-laws like shit. The backlash is a hand-wave of disbelief, but it turns into annoyance , and finally into loud violence. Just because you can’t oppose the old,fickle and firm. That’s probably why most of us stay silent.

But we do not have to care about this destruction. We can be everything that we are, and take in a few hits for our dignity. We already know what the odds and prices are. We just have to wait for it to hit. Call out the jahalat when it crosses our path.


Random Update


Hey everyone.

Since I haven’t been uploading any proper story- short or long, and I haven’t really written any poem on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to just have a random update post. One in which I just tell you guys what I have been up to and what I have planned for the remainder of this new year.

Well… first of all I am in summer school this time of year, and hopefully after this session I will have a big load of my back. Not a huge load but some loss of weight is better than nothing. I have also been doing a lot of street photography these last few days, and I am proud of that commitment, and hopefully with work,time and consistency I will greatly improve. I posted a lot of pictures on my Instagram account… so do follow me there and let me know if you liked the pictures.

And what I want to do is get some nice posters for my room. I want really small clip outs or print out of pictures and people that mean something to me. I’ve seen some people do the same, and it seems like an excellent idea. It would be good for me because it would teach me about room decor and help with self realization and self expression.

Also I pray that by some miracle, that when I get back to school (university) I can have ‘Ramiz’, and ‘Nothing Happened’ published and have a release for them in my school. It’s weird because I’ve been talking about having done and published since February of this year, and I feel like I’ve been pregnant with the book for months now. As for the other book, which is ‘Nothing Happened’, a short story collection which I posted here on the blog, and I will be adding in a few more stories to. I was able to do it pretty fast, which is a good sign. The battle now is just to get  them published and give back to society.

Even if it’s a small gift for now.

Oh and I’ve also been a little active on YouTube. I’m not that entertaining yet, but I plan on getting a lot of good content up in the coming time. The name of my channel is ‘Ranjha’s girl’ and I would to see any of you guys there.

I hope you are having a good time wherever you are in the world, and that you have a great year.

I did an Interview

Hi there everyone.





So yes, I have not been able to blog a lot lately and I am very sorry for that, but I have just been all over the place.

But I am grateful and happy that most of are still here and reading, because I do plan on going all in with the extra good, investigative journalism level of blogging.


For the future I have movie and book reviews planned out.

I have travel logs lined up, alongside poetry and short stories.

And I would like to give you guys a heads up about ‘Ramiz’, which is a book that I have been working on, and I personally feel proud of.

Any way I recently was interviewed by a friend , and I am going to share the link right here, so you guys can have a look at it.

And I will be  sharing some more of them here also, as soon as they are published .

My friend Zainab Nasir, interviewed me. She is a filmmaker and also a writer, so I will probably be sharing a review of her work as well.


Oh! And you might want to check out the interviews on the website as well , they are pretty good.

Hamlet : The plight of the Intellectual


Hamlet , a play by William Shakespeare, about a young prince looking for revenge , has inspired audiences for many years and been the subject of many theories. A revenge play , to some an expression of the Oedipus complex ,for others , and  a simple yet tragic tale of a hero . I see it as the turbulence  a person has to go through,  once their  ignorance is no longer blissful. It is a  journey into the stressful and challenging loss of Innocence that self-awareness can bring about  and a window into the reality of the soul’s education .

For the sake of this written piece , lets look at Hamlet as someone who has come of age , and looking at the world with a new vision . A more wholesome vision , one filled with cleverness , insight and melancholy .

The play is a treasure of philosophy,  wisdom , and well crafted poetic genius,  and although being a renaissance play it has been praised for  characteristically being post modern because of the psychological and emotional depth the characters have .


In this world we live in – knowledge, intelligence and intellect  are highly respected, valued and envied . The intelligent, according to some, are the ones who survive.  The reason man believed himself to be  above all other species is because he was  able to think. Man became the ultimate species due to the size of his brain , up to the point were some scientists were actually measuring the circumference of skulls among the different races of man . But there is a dark side to this  wonder , a realm filled with sacrifices , nihilism,  cynicism,  anxiety,  madness and cruelty .
All of which we explore   through Hamlet.
The play opens with the presence of Fortinbras and the ghost . Fortinbras is the angel of death and the reminder of something rotten in Denmark . The ghost is the symbol of knowledge, madness and an exclusive higher intellect .
Regarding the murder of the late king , only Hamlet and Claudius , his uncle ,know the truth, that Claudius poisoned him to become king . They remain the most anxious and suspicious throughout the play , because they have something to hide , and as result their behavior remains a mystery to the rest of the characters who are oblivious to the ‘ rotten matter’
Hamlet is the noble holder of knowledge,  seeking nothing but justice and revenge for his father , while Claudius is like a Machiavellian intellectual, who  uses spies and words to control or get on Hamlet’s nerves . He later humanizes Hamlet by calling him mad in order to turn others against him. There is no art in Hamlet, in the beginning of the play, he is honest and blunt . He only shows a more a sly disposition when tries to match his uncle in scheming or plotting .

” I know not seems “

Hamlet our main intellectual in his rather numbed aggressive state of being unable to make peace with his surroundings , is always  restless . Questioning events, heaven and morality – he never acts or claims to not have enough knowledge,  despite continuously manifesting his intelligence to the others.
His conflict is being too unfeeling,  filled with so many thoughts and hazards that prevent him from raw emotions.  Time and time again he reminds himself to remain calm and think over the situation and act civilized and controlled. This very behavior disturbs him,  and is the cause of his self-pity and self loathing .

“But break my heart , for I must hold my tongue “
“Let me not take corruption “
“I must not kill him in prayer “
” oh heart lose not thy nature ”

Polonius is the foolish intellectual – full of sage wisdom and gives the most memorable advice in the play .
To thine own self be true “
He is , however  ,  unable to think outside  the box and Hamlet looks down on him.
Tedious old fools”
The intellectual that is sharp looks down on the lesser born children of the intelligent world .

The ghost’s revelations are a heavy burden on Hamlets health. The ghost uses expressions like ‘freeze young blood ‘ ,  and ‘ hair to stand at end ‘ to describe the physical change or shock that Hamlet experiences while learning the truth. 

Stress , worry and anxiety all have physical ailments , and can trouble a person to the point of weakness or laziness .
Later Hamlet encounters Ophelia , in the rags of a frightened,  troubled , shaken mad man burdened with the horrid reality of the world . It is not just mental torture but physically moving and tormenting.  How many men and women have looked at the face of this world and been altered by the abyss that stares back . Haunting,  until it takes us .
He also has to empty himself of everything he once knew to be true in order to accept this new knowledge – even if he does not completely believe the ghost .

” I’ll wipe away all trivial records “
His mind will have to do so , in order not to disagree with this new obsession .
Knowledge also robs Hamlet of his ethics and shame . He sees everyone as a toy . He feels no guilt for the death of his friends or the death of Polonius . He is insensitive to their feelings and unaware of the damage he is causing .
Characters like Sherlock Holmes are also said to be innocently insensitive , just like Hamlet who cannot see the harm he is causing his mother or Ophelia their minds are forever occupied with a certain kind of knowledge that they are unable to conceive any other kind and often lack people skills .
Hamlet knows the trappings of life too much , his character remains the same till the end of the play . The same for all of them, there is no development.  This is his tragedy.  The inability to achieve something . A tragic hero is one whose fall makes the audience either gasp or wonder why , someone so inspirational became a disappointment.
Intellect kills itself in logic and reason when it proves itself to be useless . Reason and cynicism  do not inspire them to act for the better . It cripples their soul , they come to know too much and care to little and see how the small charity will not reach the hungry .

This supernaturally informed and brave prince is crippled by his thoughts , he could have killed Claudius when he was repenting , but decided not to because he believed it would send him to heaven .

The problem with the world is that , stupid people are full of confidence, while the intelligent are full of doubts “
—  Charles Bukowski

Like Moses did not wish to go save the Hebrews,  he was too aware of the deceit, power and corruption he would have to face for the greater good . He knew very well what he would be up against .
Cynicism and nihilism overtake these characters.

” I have of late lost all my mirth “

The very life in them is sucked out by the ugly truth , the duality of human nature and the possibility of every friend being an enemy . All of Hamlet’s speeches are a question and are also like a sophisticated suicide note , one that he can only wish to commit.
” To be or not to be “
Since education numbs emotion and  logic tames the wolf in man to a slow , painless death that goes unnoticed. Hamlet is now wondering where  his spirit is , his anger ? The substance of force and feelings that should compel him towards impulsive action. He is particularly jealous of an actor and soldier for having more emotions.
” oh what a rogue peasant am I “
Hamlet is much too poised and ashamed of his ‘ unpregnant ‘ hate  .
He answers so much yet remains a question – the more he learns the more empty he becomes , like his mother’s sexual appetite.
“Grew with what it fed on ”


Then madness . Everyone sees Hamlet as mentally unstable,  Ophelia,  Polonius and his parents believe so.
Madness , itself has been linked with high brain activity,  thus the stereotype of the mad scientist . They all gaze at him in wonder  .
“This is madness , but there is method in it “
“Madness in great ones must not unwatched go “

It is only when Ophelia goes insane , that she becomes outspoken and is confident in what she knows . While at most times , she only listens to what her brother ,father and Hamlet tell her , without any conflict or opposition . She even says something like , I do not know what I should think .

” that’s for thoughts ”

During this time Hamlet is off at sea , which is a symbol of the psyche. He comes home a new man while Ophelia has drowned . Hamlet beats his madness while Ophelia drowns in hers .

Horatio the best friend  and Ophelia the romantic interest  , are like toys or imaginary figures are used as objects of projection for  Hamlet’s feelings towards  his parents.While with Horatio he talks about his father in a grand and loving ,respectable manner , as if he was the greatest of all men  and with Ophelia he complains about his mother , someone who only has his interest in mind and loves him dearly and mocks women in general, because he feels that by marrying his uncle only months after his father’s death is unfaithfulness on her side.

“Brief like women’s love ”

He uses both of them but   trusts Horatio while tormenting Ophelia, by using her . Horatio and Ophelia are also never in the same scene together until she is dead.
They are vessels for the prince to fill up with his philosophy. Hamlet is the one to tell them stories and fill their minds.

” there is more in the heavens and earth , than can be dreamed of in our imagination”

Hamlet is also unable to love or express himself ,  he confesses his love to Ophelia when it is too late . The same with his mother, he spends most of his time ranting about her bit cannot explain to her the reason for his anger  . He decided not to trust anyone with information of the murder, not Horatio and the guards, the Queen or anyone , and guarding it so was angry at everyone for not seeing the crime right in front of his eyes   .
He only has one request at the end

“Tell my story ”
To which we bid him goodnight .

The entire play asks the question ” what good is intellect?  What purpose does it serve ? What problem does it solve ?

Dr Faustus sold his soul for forbidden knowledge and did nothing   . Medea is scorned for her knowledge of spells and herbs , the devil in paradise lost insists that God loves Adam and Eve more because they are dumb and it was after they ate from the tree of knowledge that they were cast out . Daisy from the Great Gatsby wants her daughter to grow up to be .. a beautiful little fool .
Baba Bulleh Shah asks us
” you read thousands of books did you ever read yourself ?

With the final entry of Fortinbras the madness is nowhere to be seen .


Lost and found childhood


When you’re a kid
Its fun to play hide and seek
Even if the place is no rain forest
Just three rooms
But you everthing just seems bigger
Full of mystery and possibility
Behind curtains or sofas
Under the table
Or inside the cupboard
Anyplace you can find
Resisting the urge to laugh
Or talk to loud
You loved attention
You loved playing with the pigeons


Falling asleep on the couch while watching cartoons
Waking up to the sun in your tiny  bed
You liked attending parties and having to be dressed up and making new friends with no effort at all
While the grown ups talked in the living room
You ran all over the house and talked sense about absolutely nothing
And the thing you wanted most was attention


From everyone all the time
Then you eventually got older
Maybe you took longer than everyone else – a late blossom
You didnt want to be found anymore
You had to talk business and plot out your sentences paying extreme attention to the other person
You had to let go of your parents hand , even if they say they will always love you
Success will buy you love
No more attention needed
Maybe just from one person
