The Duck comes back to bite : On Ducky Bhai standing up to a Scam

For those who don’t know, for the last three to four weeks Pakistani YouTube had been breathing in the satisfaction of a ‘roasting’ YouTuber, by the name of Ducky Bhai, exposing the zameen from under the feet of Sham Idrees and his counter part Froggy.

To cut the story short, Sham Idrees and Froggy are Pakistani – Canadian YouTubers who make, well, technically harmless but questionable and not that funny content. They however talk the talk, and lies, cheat and steal their way to the top and they’ve done enough to get on everyone’s nerves. From stealing content from smaller YouTubers, to wrongfully flagging their content, lying to the public, shitting on the people they make money off of, to pretending to be in an accident.

They are truly the love child of clickbaits and phappi kutnis.

Ducky Bhai is a newer YouTuber, who intially made a roast video on Sham Idrees. After which Sham Idrees went on a strange attack against him behind the scenes, and did the most. But what topped the list is that he striked Ducky’s page to the point of being banned. After which Ducky Bhai went out to make three videos that exposed for the cheap filth and lies.

This resulted in Ducky Bhai being on the top trends in Pakistan. It brought a lot of people into seeing these people for what they really are, and I think this was a big step for content creators in general.

Ducky Bhai’s has stood up for himself against people who are an insult to the name of entertaint. He has by example proven that by being honest, you can tak\nnt and different opinions that actually elivate society and not poison it.\n#RespectHijaab\n#PakistanYoutubeArmye on corrupt people and push them straight off their high horse. Safe to say all of the Pakistani YouTuber community was with him, and they also came with their stories of inspiration.

What I really liked about what Ducky Bhai did was that he hit all the right points in a way that the people could understand. It was necessary to bring in the topic of censorship, because Sham Idrees has words like ‘Copy’, ‘Drama’, ‘Fake’ and ‘Chuss’ banned from comments. Which really is questionable. It’s alright to ban insults , racial slurs and bad words but the truth is also something you can block apparently.

I’m also happy that he talked about how Sham Idrees, Froggy and other people in certain fields ‘ Islam bait’ people in a way that people are blind to the other weird or unislamic things they do. I mean they’re all love, peace and support one minute but then make false allegations and shove materialistic ideals everywhere. Sham Idrees will will talk about religion and ‘Islam bait’ his followers, and claim his channel to be family friendly, but he has songs there that look like rejected Honey Singh tracks. He himself walks around in revealing clothes and directs women in skimpy clothes in his videos, in which they are sexualized or objectified to the male but some how all of this went through the muala radar for years.

I just understand how society in general is unable to see that they are being fooled and played. How did they not see this? And they have the nerve to defend him for it.

It’s like all you have to do say a bunch of words in arabic, make a few religious songs and people are blind to all the frauds, content theft, censorship and general munafqat. But hey if people could accept it when actors, scholars , singers, singers pretending to be scholars did it. Then is it really just the fault of one party for taking advantage of the stupid?

Now staying on the topic of these two and ‘religion baiting’. The was a part of the discussion where the Hijab came up, and Ducky talked about how Froggy and Sham collectively insulted the Hijab. Sham Idrees was low enough to the controversy of attack a Muslim day or something like that and turn it into a prank. A prank. Apprently our collective, racial and religious discrimination is nothing more but a way to get views. Nothing serious here. Just another Adam Salah in the making .

I won’t really comment on the whole dancing and singing in Hijab thing, because rapping and Hip hop music is a bigger field outside of this, and it’s really something that bothered me. What does bother me is that this Froggy already knows that people don’t see as ideal or appreciate the things she does, but instead of defending herself she decided to go in on another Hijabi YouTuber by the name of Immi. So basically this Hijabi ( froggy) who several reasons people question about Hijab, attacked another girl because her neck was visible.

Wow. I mean the absurdity of everything.

If anything I pray that people become more aware this year and are able to see through stunts and fakeness. And if anything the Pakistani YouTube community could use more journalists and any people who actually open up people’s minds and teach them something. Not just show them luxury or inflate their ego’s or get into fights for attentions. There has to be a respect for good content and different opinions that actually elivate society and not poison it.



On the Red Radiance of Perfect Blue




‘Perfect Blue’, is a 1997 psycholgical-thriller, horror,anime film directed by Satoshi Kon. His best and most mesmerizing work, ‘Perfect Blue’ is a movie unlike any other that plays with the viewer’s senses of reality, leaving them undone and shaking. And to think this was his attempt at animation.

The movie starts of on both a slow and up-beat mood, as our protagonist Mima Kirigoe, as she makes her last appearance as a pop idol, as she will soon be making the jump to becoming an actress. From there forward the movie takes a turn so subtle but so striking that one wants to stay till the end, but having done so, might not want to watch it again, only to be pulled in back by the brilliance of the story.

The story and movie if full of layers, so everyone seems to have their own theory and idea about it, but overall everyone agrees that the movie is about losing one’s grip of reality, being overtaken by the public’s opinion, pop culture and it’s effect on humanity, the male gaze and the lines between fact and fiction.

Mima seems to struggle with shifting her career, as many people around her are not happy with her decision, and that displeasure or discord manifests itself in the form of an illusion that taunts and scares Mima. Mima is divided both internally and externally as the the new Mima and the old Mima, and those who prefer the new Mima are being murdered. Mima herself is unsure is unsure of it all, and her distress is not verbally expressed but manifested in the art around her, or how she is framed. She is silent and shy for the most part and allows others to speak for her and about her, as no one really consults her, which is reflective of how icons have no control over their image. The pressure is causing her to loose grip of time and reality which is what the movie focuses on, but the truth is that Mima is not the only one at a loss of sanity. She is but one in the spectrum of society that is unable to fight a concept.



What’s unique about this movie is that the use and involvement of  visuals and sounds, it it something that needs to be experienced and not just watched.  It is something that plays with your mind, and like Mima, those watching do not know what to believe and for the most part are afraid and cornered. The color red is a great aid, as it is synonymous with the dissent to the the unknown. The camera movements also create the feeling of uneasiness, and the soundtrack generally is enjoyable and energetic, but the silence is the unnerving catalyst.

I suppose it is a look into the trauma and abuse the female form encounters in a male dominated business and audience, where the wills of the audience and executives is what one has to follow and please. Mima’s pop-idol fans who are mostly men are unhappy that she is leaving, and talk a lot about how she has lost her innocence by becoming an actress, but the directors and writers want to completely change her image, something more sexual is what they want- so she is caught between two male ideals and fantasies and is uneasy about it. By attacking the male gaze, the movie does leave a a mark, and it’s rather interesting that the eyes are almost invisible.


Mima goes through violence, objectification in a wide variety in the movie, which is interesting because in most horror films girls are just body counts and the audience is made to be uncaring of their deaths, and the villain becomes the hero, but Mima is full of humanity, and like the villain in her life, the audience is allowed to live through her and lose track of her humanity. Mima for the most part is fighting to gain back her self from the persona that has been trying to crush and serve other eyes with her as a vessel.



But more than the subject ‘Perfect Blue’ is a criticism on the then decadent culture of pop culture, and in the bigger picture on the concept of celebrity. We see that first hand that everyone wants Mima to be what they want her to be, it’s as if they belive they own her, having no shame in what they do to protect that image. She is essentially like a brand and religion, and it only causes her to suffer, and that is the moral horror of the film, that it is all too real.

How many celebrities and politicians are out there selling themselves, only for the masses to wait as the truth comes out after they die, like President Kennedy wasn’t a family man after all. But specifically on Mima , it is prevalent that people are unafraid of hurting her or moving in on her space and sanity, which is not unusual in all of our celebrities and stars. The fact that Saba Qamar got death threats for acting as Qandeel Balouch for an otherwise good and decent drama.

I think that is interesting that we generally defend nudity or provocative actions for our females icons, as a sense of freedom of speech or expression, or that it is a part of their job and that we should just accept it, but ‘Perfect Blue’ clearly shows how these starlets don’t have control over their image, they have managers for that. They all could be essentially being manufactured into an image just to cause shock value. So maybe we should look closer and see how genuine these actions are, and if these women actually enjoy any of it. Even Mima pretends to be okay with the change but we see how she truly feels.

I would like to conclude that, ‘Perfect Blue’ is a masterpiece that will stand the test of time, and it should be respected as a work of part. It is also not appropriate for Desi audiences at least not at this point, so I would prefer them to read articles on it, or watch video essays on it.





” Paisa pays- Truth Talks”, On Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan’s issue.

Hi everyone. For this blog post we are going to talk about Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik ( not so bright) Roshan. Both of them are pretty successful and talented Indian actors, but we won’t be talking about any films, instead we will be focusing on a legal issue that has been prevalent for the last three years.

Just to give a little background to the issue, Kangana and Hrithik were once in a secret relationship which nobody really knew about in the media, and they broke up without anyone knowing about it just the same. The frenzy started when Kangana Ranaut mentioned an unnamed ‘silly ex‘. That got Hrithik Roshan angry, and he came out twitter exposing himself and afterwards saying that he never was with her.



After that Hrithik sent a bunch of notices to her, and later ‘exposed’ her by leaking thousands of emails, that he alleged that Knagana sent to him, over the past years. Well in that time there was a big legal fallout and Hrithik came out losing the hearing, because there was nothing criminal in those emails, and that impostor he continuously he talked was never found.  Kangana came out clean, and I won’t be showing  or talking about the points that defend her truth or showcase her innocence, because she did that all on her own. And the public loves her for that and we can see truth with the points and logic she put forth.

If you want to see how she did so and hear out you can watch her interview that sparked the recent interest in the issue.

For Urdu and Hindi speakers.

And for English speakers.


What we will be talking about the dynamics that were prevalent in the whole situation, self-serving nepotism and how money and influence was used to control the narrative, and if we have time, internal guilt.

Apparently Hrithik was so ashamed of being an ex that he went out to dig his own grave. He and his rich father, went around saying things that they would expose Kangana. During that time her family was threatened and harassed. Knagana was put through all kinds of hurdles and she practically mocked, insulted and defamed and suffered several attacks at her character and her career. They got her old ex to lie about her and call her a witch and they would not let her side of the story on magazines. And at the end of the all the Roshan son father duo, had nothing to stand for and lost the case. But that’s not what they got the media to say, they paid away papers to say that nothing actually happened with the case. And after all this time, Kanagana has finally talked about what she faced, and to the whole exposing comment, she strongly says that ‘It’s been a year I am still waiting for him to expose me’.

This has brought out to the public the terrible face to media politics that hurts people who don’t a rich father to run to clean their own mess or save their careers. If the Roshans are truly innocent why did they have to go through that trouble and buy the words of people to attack a self-made actress who did nothing to them. What were they afraid of? If they are so rich that they can buy narratives and if the industry is so tight-knit that nobody had Kangana’s back, instead they teamed up with them and scared her? What were they afraid of ? She did even take Hrithik’s name, what was he so guilty and scared about. It has been week since Kangana spoke her truth and he has remained silent. There is no point in the Nawab to be silent now, he did this to himself. He opened the issue he made this an issue, he did not care about damaging the girls career or well-being. Why now that he has lost that he decides to stay silent and avoid his mess.

They Hrithik and his father should publicly apologize to her and come out and expose everyone else that they paid to help them defame her. It would be good for the community because it would   empower that boy and girl who are being bullied and used by these big names and families. It would allow girls who are being harassed by ex lovers or husbands that they can get through the injustice and stand in their truth, because in our societies it worse for women to be framed or ‘badnaamed’ then to actually have done anything criminal.

I also had a chance to go through the interviews of other actors  and actresses about this case. They should be ashamed of themselves. None of them could express their true feelings, and instead laughed it of and prayed that it clam down. They were all being diplomatic, which is what we can expect from an army of Stepford wives. They are so caught up in not losing a job that they cannot stand up for someone in a clear-cut case of injustice. I mean I can understand but still, there should be a limit. All those people and they have the exact same no answer answer. Something like this is never going to happen to the Kapoor girls and we all know why.

They did not have to do anything, but they could have at least said something. Is it really that hard for the industry works now?

Lastly, Hrithik is a good example of how harsh men can be. This was a man who was a relationship with this woman, loving or not, there was probably some affection or trust there. What was thinking when he went out to destroy her life, what kind of grown man who has money, fame and comes from a powerful family does that? Why did grown man have to stand behind his father and why can’t he go fight someone who is his equal in society?

And this is  common there are lots of women who felt deeply for their lovers, only to have them go out and damage them. These men can do everything except let a woman go and live in peace, it is as if they have to go out an destroy her and turn society against her before they can sleep at night. This is terrible, frightening and it needs to stop.

We salute Kangana Ranaut for her bravery and for standing up to the system and power structure that steps on the lives and feelings of millions of people everyday, and she get the apology she deserves.

False friends


When thunder , lightning and rain
Tore the bonds between us
You should not  have been surprised
Yet you were
Your tears and blood were on the rise
And mouth dried with wet guilt
And so appearance got the best for you
In the eyes of the world
And I was the one who took the fall
But in your eyes the odd reality  you believed unreal
Came straight  to haunt you
And haunts it still
And I had hoped with a little you would realise what had actually done
Yet I to live in disbelief of it
I live in shock of the turn dug into the open sky
A red red strip upon the belt of the ocean
Either a cunning actor , actress among the  actresses and actor smong the other blessings
Yet in all your deception
All your attempts to conceal the  truth
Like a rumoured witch
You did strike with rotting hate your black actions
Into the depths of my pale bosom
You made a great speech to the ears of the blind
Taking advantage of the innocent,  which is no surprise , yet Im surprised you did
Tyrants , liars and all other things dark in the center have used innocence to their own advance
At the price of someone else
The roots of poison that I with holy water pulled from the ground
Came back as a smog and took the souls of those held dear
But do continue
I do not care 
And so
Does not deception give birth to distrust
Do lies told once not last as shocks on the ears when they are caught
Do friends not cease to be  when one harms the other 
Thunder,  lighting and rain
Wear not surprise on your face then
How long will you pretend
The weight of time has been enough
To break lies
Time alone will truth to the world
And time alone will aid me
Even If I in anger lash out in flames
I keep my resent still
But it fills out of my skin so thick
But time
Time is running out
And the truth
Shall be found out